Kingsland Cup and Prize Moot Semi-Finalists Announced

27 February, 2023

The following four teams have been selected for the semi-finals of the Kingsland Cup and Prize Moot. The semi-finals will be held in Chambers on 7 March, with the Hon. Mr Justice Lane and the Hon. Mrs Justice Bacon acting as judges. 

Kingsland Cup and Prize Moot Semi-Finalists Announced

27 February, 2023

The following four teams have been selected for the semi-finals of the Kingsland Cup and Prize Moot. The semi-finals will be held in Chambers on 7 March, with the Hon. Mr Justice Lane and the Hon. Mrs Justice Bacon acting as judges. 

All the submitted skeleton arguments were of high quality, and it was evident that a lot of hard work had gone into every single one. The final will be held on 10 July in the Old Court Room at Lincoln's Inn. 

Iason Pafitis and Ruari Clark: City, University of London 
Sunny Singh and Megha Chand: London School of Economics 
Alex Miller and Henry Screaton: City, University of London 
Chatura Saravanan and Anaïs Sosson: City, University of London and BPP University 

Details about the Kingsland Cup can be found here.