R (on application of London Borough of Hillingdon) v The Mayor of London [2021] EWHC 3387 (Admin)

20 December, 2021

Lang J hands down judgment on a claim for judicial review based on grounds relating to: the interpretation of tall buildings policy in the London Plan; the alleged failure to take into account air quality evidence; and procedural fairness.

R (on application of London Borough of Hillingdon) v The Mayor of London [2021] EWHC 3387 (Admin)

20 December, 2021

Lang J hands down judgment on a claim for judicial review based on grounds relating to: the interpretation of tall buildings policy in the London Plan; the alleged failure to take into account air quality evidence; and procedural fairness.

Craig Howell Williams QC and Michael Brendan Brett for the Claimant and Douglas Edwards QC and Isabella Tafur for the Defendant.