The scheme consists of 1,730 dwellings, 8 gypsy & traveller pitches, 100 extra care units, a primary school and other mixed-uses including employment (comprising the majority of the broader 2,000 dwelling allocation in the local plan).
At the time the appeal was lodged Guildford Borough Council considered that it was not in a position to grant permission, given outstanding objections from Natural England, National Highways, Surrey County Council (as local highway authority) and the Environment Agency. Following the submission of additional information by the Appellant, and further discussion over conditions and obligations, each of the Borough Council’s putative reasons for refusal was overcome. The remaining minor areas of disagreement, over the imposition of certain conditions, were resolved by the Inspector in favour of the Borough Council’s position.
Notwithstanding the position of the Borough Council, six Rule 6 parties appeared at the inquiry together with a large number of members of the public.
A copy of the appeal decision can be viewed here.
Simon Bird KC and Jonathan Welch appeared at the public inquiry on behalf of Guildford Borough Council, instructed by Angela Watson of GBC Legal Services.