Lake Lothing DCO Granted

01 May, 2020

The Secretary of State for Transport has this week granted development consent for a third bridge crossing over Lake Lothing in Lowestoft, promoted by Suffolk County Council.

Lake Lothing DCO Granted

01 May, 2020

The Secretary of State for Transport has this week granted development consent for a third bridge crossing over Lake Lothing in Lowestoft, promoted by Suffolk County Council.

The Secretary of State for Transport has this week granted development consent for a third bridge crossing over Lake Lothing in Lowestoft, promoted by Suffolk County Council.

During the DCO examination, Isabella Tafur cted for an affected party, Northumbria Water Ltd (trading as East and Suffolk Water) – a statutory undertaker regulated by Ofwat supplying water services and a significant local employer. Northumbria Water supported the principle of the development on the basis that it sought to improve recognised traffic constraints and encourage economic development in Loewstoft. However, it had significant concerns as to the likely traffic and environmental impacts during construction and operation on Trinity House, a purpose built call-centre in the vicinity of the bridge’s southern landing point, employing some 240 people. 

Following Northumbria Water’s participation in numerous DCO hearings, a commercial side-agreement was reached with Suffolk County Council which protected its interest and enabled Northumbria Water to withdraw its objection.