Inspector Recommends Adoption of Bordesley Park Area Action Plan

10 September, 2019

Following an examination hearing on 30 May 2019 an Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State has recommended adoption of the Bordesley Park Area Action Plan.

Inspector Recommends Adoption of Bordesley Park Area Action Plan

10 September, 2019

Following an examination hearing on 30 May 2019 an Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State has recommended adoption of the Bordesley Park Area Action Plan.

Following an examination hearing on 30 May 2019 an Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State has recommended adoption of the Bordesley Park Area Action Plan.

The Inspector identified three main issues on which he considered the soundness of the Area Action Plan depended. First, whether the Area Action Plan as a whole was consistent with the Birmingham Development Plan and national policy; secondly, whether areas identified within the BPAAP as Key Opportunities for Change were consistent with the Birmingham Development Plan and national policy, and site allocations within these areas deliverable; and thirdly whether the Neighbourhoods policies and site allocations were consistent with local and national policy and were deliverable.

The Inspector found in favour of the promoting authority, Birmingham City Council, on all these matters, holding that the Area Action Plan sought to support economic growth of the area as well as improving connectivity, local character and the environment in a sustainable manner. The Area Action Plan was justified by a sound evidence base, positively prepared with a high degree of engagement with stakeholders and in conformity with the adopted Local Plan and national guidance.

The Inspector found that the Area Action Plan was sound as submitted, and recommended it for adoption with no main modifications.

Saira Kabir Sheikh KC promoted the Area Action Plan at examination on behalf of Birmingham City Council. A copy of the Inspector’s Decision Letter can be viewed here.