FTB Announces Two New Tenants Michael Rhimes and Flora Curtis

06 October, 2021

FTB is delighted to announce that Michael Rhimes and Flora Curtis have accepted invitations to join Chambers. Michael and Flora each completed a 12 month pupillage with us and join as tenants today, Wednesday 6 October 2021.

FTB Announces Two New Tenants Michael Rhimes and Flora Curtis

06 October, 2021

FTB is delighted to announce that Michael Rhimes and Flora Curtis have accepted invitations to join Chambers. Michael and Flora each completed a 12 month pupillage with us and join as tenants today, Wednesday 6 October 2021.

Michael Rhimes

Michael was called to the Bar in 2019 and completed Pupillage under the supervision of Melissa Murphy, Hugh Flanagan and Isabella Tafur.

Michael’s recent experience includes assisting Melissa Murphy both defending and bringing claims in the High Court challenging the grant (or refusal) of planning permission. He has also assisted a member of Chambers drafting a Statement of Case for an appeal to the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) on whether a stables was a non-domestic hereditament and hence liable for rates. 

Michael also acted as sole counsel successfully representing a local residents’ association (pro bono) in a non-statutory Inquiry with a view to registering land as a village green under the Commons Act 2006. A national housing developer opposed the registration, and instructed leading and junior Counsel.  

Michael is instructed (lead by Rebecca Clutten) on a three-week Inquiry due to start in late November to obtain an Order under the Transport and Works Act 1992 to build a station in Cambridge near the University’s Biomedical Campus. The Inquiry raises a number of complex issues of transportation, planning, heritage, noise and vibration. 

Flora Curtis

Flora was called to the Bar in 2019 and completed her pupillage under the supervision of Gregory Jones QC, Ned Westaway and Mark Westmoreland Smith.

Flora’s recent experience includes advising a local residents’ group on the prospects of successfully challenging a draft local plan review; acting as sole counsel for a London borough council to defend two appeals brought against decisions of its licensing sub-committee; and assisting Gregory Jones QC and Alexander Greaves at a four-week planning inquiry into an application called in by the Secretary of State for the development of an underground metallurgical coal mine in West Cumbria. 

Flora has also been instructed by the Government Legal Department as junior junior to Richard Honey QC and Ned Westaway to defend a challenge brought by an environmental charity and four individuals which alleged that the Government’s action on climate change had breached the Climate Change Act 2008, the Paris Agreement, and the Human Rights Act 1998. 

Michael and Flora welcome instructions to act individually or as a part of a team across all of Chambers’ practice areas. If you would like to discuss Michael’s or Flora’s experience, availability or fees, please contact Paul Coveney, Senior Clerk, 020 7427 1847.