Fermanagh and Omagh Resolves to Adopt First Plan Strategy in Northern Ireland

20 March, 2023

At a meeting of the Full Council held on the evening of 16 March 2023,  Fermanagh and Omagh District Council resolved to formally adopt its draft plan strategy. 

Fermanagh and Omagh Resolves to Adopt First Plan Strategy in Northern Ireland

20 March, 2023

At a meeting of the Full Council held on the evening of 16 March 2023,  Fermanagh and Omagh District Council resolved to formally adopt its draft plan strategy. 

This followed an independent examination last year before the Planning Appeals Commission which resulted in the draft plan strategy being found sound with modifications.

This is the first plan strategy to be adopted in Northern Ireland under the Planning Act (Northern Ireland) 2011.

Conor Fegan promoted the plan strategy at independent examination on behalf of the Council.