Dr Richard Caddell Appointed as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy

31 August, 2021

We are delighted that Dr Richard Caddell, a member of Francis Taylor Building’s Academic Panel has been appointed as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy (JIWLP), the leading peer-reviewed journal on all aspects of biodiversity law and policy.

Dr Richard Caddell Appointed as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy

31 August, 2021

We are delighted that Dr Richard Caddell, a member of Francis Taylor Building’s Academic Panel has been appointed as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy (JIWLP), the leading peer-reviewed journal on all aspects of biodiversity law and policy.

The JIWLP’s mission is to address legal and political issues concerning the human race's interrelationship with and management of wildlife species, their habitats, and the biosphere. This includes analysis of the efficacy of international and regional wildlife treaty regimes in conserving species (as well as national legislation and regulations enacted to implement such regimes), the impact of judicial decisions at both the national and international level, and the interface of legal and political institutions with other sectors in society that have a substantive impact on the management and conservation of species and ecosystems.

Dr Richard Caddell is a Senior Lecturer in Law at Cardiff University, where he teaches a number of courses in Maritime Law, as well as Media Law and Contract Law, and is Convenor of the LLM Programme in Shipping Law. Richard previously held academic positions at Bangor University, the Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law at Swansea University and the Netherlands Institute for the Law of the Sea, Utrecht University. He was educated at Cardiff University, completing his PhD in 2009 on the international regulation of cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises).

Gregory Jones QC, a barrister at Francis Taylor Building and member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the JIWLP commented “I’m extremely pleased Richard has been appointed to edit this prestigious publication. Richard’s published work is hugely impressive and the appointment is fully deserved.  There could not be a more timely moment to be leading on international law and policy.  FTB's Academic Panel provides a hugely useful resource for chambers.  This appointment highlights its value ” 

Gregory's environmental law practice spans a wide range of areas including climate change, net carbon zero targets, IPC regulation, contaminated land, species and habitats protection, water law, pollution control, statutory nuisances and strategic and environmental impact assessment. He is also one of the few specialist environmental law practitioners also experienced in criminal environmental regulatory offences. Gregory is particularly acknowledged for his EU law expertise he has been involved in a number of leading court cases involving the application of European Law in the UK courts and has appeared in a number of leading cases on Environmental Impact Assessment before the European Court of Justice. He also has extensive experience of planning cases and public inquiries involving environmental issues, including the promotion of Waste and Mineral Local Plans.

Follow the JIWLP on Twitter @JIntWildlifeLaw.