Development Consent Granted to SP Manweb Plc

07 April, 2020

On 20 March 2020 the Secretary of State for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy granted development consent for the construction and operation of a new 22.5km 132kv electrical circuit between SP Manweb’s existing substations at Oswestry and Wem in North Shropshire, following an examination and a report recommending the grant of development consent. Mark Westmoreland Smith acted for SP Manweb.

Development Consent Granted to SP Manweb Plc

07 April, 2020

On 20 March 2020 the Secretary of State for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy granted development consent for the construction and operation of a new 22.5km 132kv electrical circuit between SP Manweb’s existing substations at Oswestry and Wem in North Shropshire, following an examination and a report recommending the grant of development consent. Mark Westmoreland Smith acted for SP Manweb.

On 20 March 2020 the Secretary of State for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy granted development consent for the construction and operation of a new 22.5km 132kv electrical circuit between SP Manweb’s existing substations at Oswestry and Wem in North Shropshire, following an examination and a report recommending the grant of development consent. Mark Westmoreland Smith acted for SP Manweb.

The principal opposition to the scheme was provided by the Canals & Rivers Trust who argued that the line should be undergrounded as it crosses the Montgomery Canal. SP Manweb resisted this on the basis that the additional expense of undergrounding was not justified by any consequent landscape benefits. Both the ExA and the Secretary of State accepted SP Manweb’s submissions.

The Secretary of State noted in his decision letter that the energy NPSs continue to form the basis for decision-making under the Planning Act 2008 and agreed with the ExA that the principle of the Development is in line with the national need for secure and reliable supplies of electricity as part of the transition to a low carbon economy. As a result, the Secretary of State concluded that granting development consent for would not be incompatible with the amendment to the Climate Change Act.

Mark Westmoreland Smith promoted the North Shropshire Reinforcement Project for SP Manweb.