A Nine Day Inquiry Into to the Cross-boundary Development Known as South West Milton Keynes has Concluded

24 June, 2021

The South West Milton Keynes Consortium (comprised of Taylor Wiimpey; Bellcross; Connolly Homes; Hallam Land and William Davis) appealed against the refusal of planning permission by Milton Keynes Council for two access roads to facilitate the delivery of over 1,800 homes on a site in Buckinghamshire.

A Nine Day Inquiry Into to the Cross-boundary Development Known as South West Milton Keynes has Concluded

24 June, 2021

The South West Milton Keynes Consortium (comprised of Taylor Wiimpey; Bellcross; Connolly Homes; Hallam Land and William Davis) appealed against the refusal of planning permission by Milton Keynes Council for two access roads to facilitate the delivery of over 1,800 homes on a site in Buckinghamshire.

Other than the two access roads, the entire development site (including another access) lies in the administrative area of Buckinghamshire Council and is allocated as a mixed use sustainable urban extension in the emerging Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan. 

Milton Keynes Council refused permission on transport grounds, alleging that there was insufficient evidence to demonstrate that the mitigation would adequately address the impacts on the road network. Newton Longville and West Bletchley Parish Councils appeared as a Rule 6 party, objecting to the development on highways grounds. Buckinghamshire Council also appeared as a Rule 6 party and presented highway evidence in support of the Appellant’s case that there would be no severe residual cumulative impact  on the road network or unacceptable impact on highway safety.

Craig Howell Williams QC and Isabella Tafur acted for the Appellant. Meyric Lewis acted for the Parish Councils. Hugh Flanagan acted for Buckinghamshire Council.